How to Raise Capital 101 Show for Real Estate Investors

Welcome to the How to Raise Capital 101 Show for Real Estate Investors – with your host, Dave Dubeau. This show is for active real estate investors who are wanting to do more by leveraging other people’s money…in other words, raising private capital - but they don’t know how to get started. This show is going to help you to be able to raise 6-figures in a matter of weeks, and even 7-figures in a matter of months – even if you’ve never raised a dime of investor capital before. And best of all, you’ll be able to do it without alienating people, without going through massive rejection, and without resorting to high-pressure sales tactics like cold-calling people or ‘turning every conversation into a real estate conversation’. In fact, when you follow the steps properly, you are going to get investors coming to you already eager and excited to meet with you and invest – without you having to chase after them. This podcast is focused on the NEW capital raiser who is just getting started and wants to raise their first several hundred thousand quickly, and then up to 1.5 - 2 million over time. New episodes are released weekly on Tuesdays and are a combination of solo episodes, interviews with capital raising experts as well as occasional ‘hot seats’ with real estate investors who want to improve their capital raising skills. In each episode, Dave will be unwrapping a capital-raising concept and giving you actionable ideas that you can put to use right away. More episodes at

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Tuesday Jan 31, 2023

Many are scattered when it comes to raising capital, leading to the phenomenon of "shiny object syndrome" caused by an overabundance of options which can be overwhelming.
his problem can be a big deal killer when it comes to real estate investing, robbing people of their ability to take their investing to the next level. 
Join us now to learn how to focus your efforts and make life simpler. Discover the strategies that will help you overcome shiny object syndrome and reach the real estate success you desire.
Don't miss this amazing opportunity to take your real estate investing to the next level. 
Join us now for an episode you won't want to miss.
Unlock the real estate ideas hiding in your mind - discover how to capture them all in one place
Practical idea dump technique, learn how to prioritize things when faced with lots of brilliant opportunities and get them done within just fifteen minutes
Find out how to present yourself as an expert in your field that people can't help but trust and end up working with you
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don't know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula, or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau.

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023

Are you looking for ways to raise capital without over-promising? If so, you've come to the right place.
In the real estate industry, it's all too easy to become caught up in the excitement of a deal and exaggerate what it can offer. Unfortunately, this can be a deal breaker if investors discover that you have overstated the value or potential of a property.
That's why it's important to learn how to raise money without overdoing it.
Learn the secrets of managing expectations from expert Dave and avoid breaking your deal into pieces. An episode you’ll regret to miss out, join us now.
Learn not to fall into the trap of exaggeration when raising capital.
Find out how to raise money without overdoing it.
Discover a way to present the downside of a deal without putting investors off and instead earn their trust.
New and Improved 2023 Capital Activator - One Day Workshop (virtual). Join us on January 28th, 2023 for our flagship training event... our full-day (8-hour) capital training! For 2023 I have completely revamped and improved the training with my most up-to-date tools and teachings.
Check it out at: (Plus use the discount code: PODCAST to get over a 50% Discount AND a FREE Ticket for a real estate friend! BOGO!)
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

37. Capital Training Shortcut

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

Raising capital for real estate investment can be done through a variety of methods, including partnering with other investors or forming joint ventures. 
Money partnering involves bringing on one or more investors to provide capital for a real estate project, in exchange for a share of the profits or ownership of the property. 
Joint ventures involve two or more parties coming together to jointly own and operate a property, with each party contributing capital and sharing in the profits.
Both of these strategies can be effective ways to access the capital needed to acquire and manage real estate investments, but it's important to carefully consider the terms and structure of the partnership or joint venture to ensure that it aligns with your goals and interests.
You'll want to listen to this entire episode so you’ll get the ins and out of how to go about your profitable capital activator system straight from Dave.
An overview of Dave’s upcoming virtual workshop, happening on January 28th 2023
The who, what, where, when, how, and why of the Capital Activator System and Live Virtual Workshop
How you can get the freebie and BOBO discount for being a loyal podcast listener
New and Improved 2023 Capital Activator - One Day Workshop (virtual). Join us on January 28th, 2023 for our flagship training event... our full-day (8-hour) capital training! For 2023 I have completely revamped and improved the training with my most up-to-date tools and teachings.
Check it out at: (Plus use the discount code: PODCAST to get over a 50% Discount AND a FREE Ticket for a real estate friend! BOGO!)
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022

This is a big question that comes up every time we talk about money partner venture, ‘how much money should we ask? what should we require, as a minimum, from our joint venture partner?
You'll want to listen to this entire episode so we can explain what your minimum investment requirement for a money partner venture should be.
Know how much money should we ask as a minimum from our joint venture partner?
Learn how much capital do you need to invest to kickstart a deal?
The best practices when doing a money partner venture to save you and your investor stress for that maximum income potential and scalable money partner venture
**IMPORTANT NOTICE**New and Improved 2023 Capital Activator - One Day Workshop (virtual). Join us on January 28th, 2023 for our flagship training event... our full-day (8-hour) capital training! For 2023 I have completely revamped and improved the training with my most up-to-date tools and teachings.
Check it out at: (Plus use the discount code: PODCAST to get over a 50% Discount AND a FREE Ticket for a real estate friend! BOGO!)
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

A question that comes up from time to time with newer capital raisers when we start working with them with our D4Y capital marketing services is:  Isn’t this TOO MUCH marketing?  If I send emails to my investor prospect list every week, aren’t they going to get sick of it, hate my guts and opt out???
Come get some great tips and ideas on how NOT to overdo your marketing. Plus, perhaps you'll find out how to do it faster and easier than you have in the past by getting potential investors to reach out to you instead of chasing after them. 
Be seen as the real estate expert you are instead of as 'just another salesperson. As the saying goes..."Little hinges can move BIG doors". That's what we'll cover today!
In this episode, I help you learn the importance of constant, consistent, edutainment communication. And watch out for something really exciting happening at Capital Activator Live Workshop on January 28, 2023, where I teach you how to raise 6-Figures in a few weeks and 7-Figures in a few months!...without Rejection or Using High-Pressure Tactics and more so I suggest you stick around until the end of the episode to know the details.
What Capital Communication is all about
Why you must create curiosity with your marketing in order to start a conversation.
The importance of showing people that you are actively engaged in real estate so you can attract motivated investors
More proven tips to attract the right investors, eager to invest in your next real estate deal without overdoing your marketing
**IMPORTANT NOTICE**New and Improved 2023 Capital Activator - One Day Workshop (virtual). Join us on January 28th, 2023 for our flagship training event... our full-day (8-hour) capital training! For 2023 I have completely revamped and improved the training with my most up-to-date tools and teachings.
Check it out at: (Plus use the discount code: PODCAST to get over a 50% Discount AND a FREE Ticket for a real estate friend! BOGO!)
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022

What information do you include in your presentation as you hop on a call with your potential investors? What worked? What didn’t? How has your presentation helped you get the other person enrolled?
It’s part of the journey that we make mistakes when putting in the work to have more people join us in our deals, but as much as it’s normal, no one ever wants to get stuck on the downside.
That’s why in this episode, I help you craft your slides in a way that works, that won’t scare potential investors off. And if you feel like you need further help after, you may also want to tune in for my Capital Blueprint Consultation offer.
What to include in your slideshow presentation
Why you should avoid using your best deal ever as your case study
How to keep the presentation focused not on you but on them
Why you should under-promise and overdeliver
The importance of showing people the risks, not only the upside
The crucial things to do after the presentation
Three possible answers on whether it’s fit for them or not, and what to do about each
A quick recap on the contents of The Money Partner Formula
What’s in it for you with Dave’s Capital Blueprint Consultation offer
The advantage of preparing for the worst questions and effectively handling objections
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022

Only some people outside of the real estate circle understand what we do. It is right to approach each presentation, knowing that our prospects need to figure out what to ask about. That way, at the start of the conversation, we make it clear what particular aspect they focus on and include them in the topics we discuss.
Besides, letting them know what's in it for them at the start will likely gauge if it's the best fit for them or not. And setting things up like that, we get their agreement right then and there.
Join me now as I share the exact steps I take to get that agreement upfront.
Learn how to plant seeds into the mind of your prospects of the kind of questions they would ask and cover them in your presentation so they only have those things to focus on.
Find out how to make it easier for prospects to say no and that it's okay to say no rather than bank on those maybes that don't leave a hint of hope.
Know how to get off the pressure at the start of the presentation for you and the prospect and get either a firm yes or no at the end.
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don't know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula, or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau.

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022

Need help with how to get investors on board without trying too hard? Do you have any of these challenges -- no clear plan, afraid of rejection, and lack of confidence?
I know the feeling and shared the same sentiments when I first started. I couldn't get things right, and I failed miserably. 
But once I got the process and perfected it, so to speak, that's when people got excited and eagerly invested with me. That's without having hard-core sales and sleazy tactics employed. Just a relationship-building scheme, a well-prepared PowerPoint presentation, and a clear action plan.
Let's listen to this episode as I tell you more about the tips and the same steps I used to get prospects not just impressed but willingly get on board with your deals.
Get to dig firsthand an ultimate investor enrollment script that Dave uses to make a compelling investor presentation demo with people coming after you instead of you looking for them.
Discover how you can get a clear and firm commitment from prospects who would willingly work and invest with you.
Find out the exact process Dave uses that has already helped thousands of investors find deals and get on partnerships and joint ventures without the pressure.
Learn the do's and don't when explaining your deal over the phone to avoid confusing your prospect and repelling them altogether.
Know the important details you should prepare when having a one-on-one presentation with your prospect, so you get everything set up smoothly and not waste anybody's time.
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don't know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula, or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau.

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

What are the mistakes you’ve made while you are presenting your deals that made you swear to the good heavens that you’ll never do that again?
A common misconception people have when it comes to presenting deals is that we want to sound so smart, so right, so result-driven that we end up scaring potential investors, having made them feel stupid.
That isn’t what we want; in fact, who would ever want that? So today, allow me to lend a helping hand as we learn the do’s and don’ts on effectively presenting our deals
How to effectively present your deals to people who are actually interested
Why the first presentation should be highly educational
What to discuss in your first presentation, and why you should keep it stupid simple
Why it’s a mistake to use too much jargon when presenting
How addressing worst case scenarios help, focusing on potential investors’ biggest objections about doing a deal with you
The reason on why you should avoid showing off your best deal as a case study
Understand that it’s yourself that you’re selling, not the deal
How answering questions confidently affect how potential investors see you
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022

How can being active and becoming a familiar face help you expand your investor network?
Most people find it hard to market themselves, especially in these times where social media is already there and not just the handshakes. Some even feel lost, not knowing where to find people of the same interests; however, what we don’t realize is our local real estate meetups actually have the answer much-awaited!
So join me today as I share with you a proven shortcut on how to effectively expand your investor network. Who knows? The person you’ve been seeing on a regular basis might be the one most interested in what you do.
The shortcut on how to expand your investor network
How attending and becoming a familiar face in your local real estate meetups/clubs can help you find people of similar interests
Why networks are better looked at through quality and not quantity
What the role of social media is when it comes to expanding your network
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

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