How to Raise Capital 101 Show for Real Estate Investors
Welcome to the How to Raise Capital 101 Show for Real Estate Investors – with your host, Dave Dubeau. This show is for active real estate investors who are wanting to do more by leveraging other people’s money…in other words, raising private capital - but they don’t know how to get started. This show is going to help you to be able to raise 6-figures in a matter of weeks, and even 7-figures in a matter of months – even if you’ve never raised a dime of investor capital before. And best of all, you’ll be able to do it without alienating people, without going through massive rejection, and without resorting to high-pressure sales tactics like cold-calling people or ‘turning every conversation into a real estate conversation’. In fact, when you follow the steps properly, you are going to get investors coming to you already eager and excited to meet with you and invest – without you having to chase after them. This podcast is focused on the NEW capital raiser who is just getting started and wants to raise their first several hundred thousand quickly, and then up to 1.5 - 2 million over time. New episodes are released weekly on Tuesdays and are a combination of solo episodes, interviews with capital raising experts as well as occasional ‘hot seats’ with real estate investors who want to improve their capital raising skills. In each episode, Dave will be unwrapping a capital-raising concept and giving you actionable ideas that you can put to use right away. More episodes at

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Put on your party hat because I've come up with a creative idea that will work for you and your potential investors.
Check out this episode and find out how to get the party started in your favor -- to do some capital marketing in a way that will get investors hooked to book meetings with you!
Here’s what you’ll learn from today's “How to Raise Capital 101” episode:
Learn how to create some BUZZ for getting potential investors magnetized and motivated to find out more.
The ultimate guide to doing real estate capital networking that will grow your pipeline of new investors quickly and inexpensively.
Tips for doing capital raising that is fun and differentiated than anything else other real estate investors in your area are doing.
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
When a would-be capital raiser asks you, "So, how much money are YOU putting in?", the answer you give can impact your ability to raise capital in the future.
In today's episode, we go over what to say if this should ever happen and then show you some practical ways to get your investors turned around if they have this misconception of yours…so I advise you to listen to this episode.
What you’ll learn from today's episode:
Discover the three parts of the deal when it comes to real estate investing
Learn what you should do as a real estate entrepreneur as the active part of the deal
Know why it is important to make sure it's in your investor's best interest everything you do in the deal
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
How do you get your target investors hooked on your real estate deals without coming across as desperate, needy, salesy, or even worse – creepy? As you already know,, I talked about classy capital connections in episode four. But we’re going to take a deep dive on the third part of that email campaign – the transition message – on today’s episode.
Here’s what you’ll learn from today's “How to Raise Capital 101” episode:
---- Realize why you shouldn’t rush on getting on a deal and warm things up first through the classy capital connections technique;
----Discover the perfect formula on what you can say during a transition message, and understand why such a flow works so well; and
----Find out why there’s a very low chance that people will opt out after the third email, and why it’s perfectly fine even if they do
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start? Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Chances are you've come across obstacles and issues that have made you question why you are in this business... Maybe you've even considered quitting and trying your hand at something else.
But the most successful real estate entrepreneurs I know have a deep and powerful reason behind their efforts.
If you dig beyond the "because I want to be crazy rich" superficial reasons, that's where the real fuel for moving forward is.
What you’ll learn from today's episode:
Find out the most important trait successful real estate entrepreneurs embody.
Learn how to discover and dial into your reason to be successful in real estate.
Be inspired and motivated with a couple of powerful stories of others who have done exactly this.
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
What is that one commercial from your childhood years that you still remember up to this date?
This might sound like it has nothing to do with real estate investing, but actually, it speaks a lot, especially when it comes to the consistency of our messaging.
By being constant and consistent in marketing, we put ourselves out there as the expert and the authority, which exponentially boosts the trust our target investors have for us and our deals.
“But how do I do it, Dave? What if I start sounding like a broken record, talking about the same thing over and over again?”
Well, that’s exactly why this episode is perfect for you!
Tune in and find out how to achieve the three C’s of capital marketing, and eventually have people interested and hooked to your deals!
The difference between being constant and consistent;
Discover topics you can talk about as you work on achieving the consistency of your messaging around capital raising; and
Learn how to gain consistent capital messaging that sticks
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Find a good deal and the money will find you.’ This is something that sounds good in a seminar-
land, but it SUCKS in the real world. I’ll explain why in today’s episode…
What you’ll learn:
Learn why the phrase “Just find a good deal and the money will find you” is B.S. (unless...)
Know the reasons why it doesn't work and what you need to do instead, and why it will bemuch more effective.
Discover a tip on how to get a pool of potential investors ready to go for your deals.
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Have you ever felt uncomfortable talking to other people about your deals? Did it feel like you’re asking them for a favor to help grow your portfolio and increase your net worth?
After asking ourselves the question “when should I start raising capital?”, the next thing that usually pops in our head is this limiting belief of “why would anybody want to invest with me?”
And when this thought crosses our head, we tend to get a little bit of a hang up, thinking that investors play a bigger part in the deal.
So today, I bring you this episode to help you realize that YOU are the belle of your real estate investing ball!
Find out why people would want to invest with you in your deals as we dive into the answer today.
Discover why it’s a must that you understand and embrace how much value you’re bringing to the table whenever you get on a deal with your investors;
Find out what the three components of any real estate deal are, as stated in Stefan Aarnio’s book, “Money People Deal”; and
Understand why people would want to invest with you on your real estate deals
Grab a copy of Stefan Aarnio’s book, “Money People Deal”, and understand the value that you’re bringing in your real estate deals:
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
We've all told our children to beware of strangers.
Well for most of us, aspiring capital-raisers, the same holds true when it comes to raising money for our deals...we want to heed the "Stranger Danger" rule as well.
If you are someone like this and you’ve always been on the fence about finding your ideal investor, then listen up. This episode is for you.
Here’s what you’ll learn from today's “How to Raise Capital 101” episode:
Understand the danger of going out to the general public to raise capital
Discover the important matters to know when it comes to regulatory authorities (aka, it's nice to stay OUT of jail).
Find out why there is a HUGE rejection when you do old school marketing strategies, especially when you try to raise capital from everybody and anybody
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Capital raisers, let me ask you a question. If you haven't started raising capital using other people's money for your deals yet, what is holding you back?
Is it perhaps the feeling that you might not be ready or worthy of having other people invest in your deal?
One of the biggest misconceptions out there when it comes to raising capital using other people’s money is thinking about when and how to start.
This is a big hangup that a lot of people have especially before they start working with us – ‘I haven't done a ton of deals yet. I haven't got years or decades of experience under my belt.’ are the common line we hear newbie capital raisers say.
If you are someone like this and you’ve always been on the fence about starting this out, then listen up. This episode is for you.
How many deals / experience you need to have to start raising money (probably a lot less than you thought).
Why you are doing people a disservice by not at least making them aware of what you're up to with real estate investing (and allowing them to make up their own minds).
How you can go about starting your first deal guided by the proven OPM/Money Partner Formula
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
One of the biggest 'ah-ha' moments I had when I started working with JV and Investor-partners is just how much PROFIT one investor represented to my long-term financial future.
...and I think you may be very surprised to see how much even one investor-partner can mean to you as well. For this #FreeFlowFriday episode, I share the concept of the LTW (lifetime worth) of an investor, why it's important AND how to calculate it for yourself.
Once you discover this concept you'll NEVER look at an investor (or prospective investor) the same way!
Listen in and understand your investors’ lifetime worth, change your perspective on getting more money partners, and be even more excited and motivated to get them.
Put the learnings into a plan of action, get your complimentary copy of ‘Money Partner Formula Worksheet’.
Understand how much of a financial impact a money partner has for your life not just for the deal they are doing with you, but also for your over-all profitability LONG-TERM
Change your perspective on money partners and become even more excited about getting and partnering with them
Discover how to raise capital with investor partners who enjoy returns on their capital at the same time they are helping to maximize your own profits
Thinking about raising your private capital to 6- to 7-figures but just don’t know where to start?
Visit and find out more about the Money Partner Formula or even Book a call with Dave Dubeau!